Etymology From India
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Etymology : Etymology + From + India
Function : (noun + preposition + noun) = noun

1: Etymology

The history of a linguistic form (as a word) shown by tracing its development since its earliest recorded occurrence in the language where it is found, by tracing its transmission from one language to another, by analyzing it into its component parts, by identifying its cognates in other languages, or by tracing it and its cognates to a common ancestral form in an ancestral language

SANSKRIT, THE oldest surviving member of the Indo-European family of language, has been, is, and will be a source of infinite wonder for scholars and laymen alike. Acknowledged by Sir William Jones as being "more perfect than Greek, more copious than Latin and more exquisitively refined than either", Sanskrit occupies the pride of place in our cultural life.

Its prestige, sway and authority among other languages of the world are quite unique and undeniable.

Bangle - Hindi baŋgrī ‘glass bracelet’

Candy - short for ‘sugar candy’ ← ‘sugar’ + Arabic qandi ‘candied’ ← qand ‘cane sugar’ ← Dravidian, cf. Tamil kan.ṭu

Zen - Japanese ← Mandarin chán(nà) ‘meditation’ ← Sanskrit dhyāna

corundum - Tamil kurundam ← Sanskrit kuruvinda ‘ruby’

cot - Hindi khat ‘couch, hammock’



1. image taken from here

(akriti sood)
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